How to install boards to Arduino IDE

3 min read


The Arduino IDE is a popular integrated development environment for programming microcontrollers and development boards. While it's primarily associated with Arduino boards, it's versatile enough to work with a variety of other microcontroller platforms, including ESP (Espressif) boards like the ESP8266 and ESP32. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of installing ESP boards to the Arduino IDE, allowing you to harness the power of these versatile WiFi and Bluetooth-enabled devices for your projects.


Before you get started, make sure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • ESP Boards: Have your ESP8266 or ESP32 board on hand. Ensure it's properly connected to your computer via USB.

Now, let's dive into the installation process:

Step 1: Open Arduino IDE

Launch the Arduino IDE on your computer. If you've just installed it, make sure to run it at least once to complete the initial setup.

Step 2: Add ESP Board Support

To enable support for ESP boards within the Arduino IDE, you'll need to add the corresponding board manager URL. Here's how you can do it:

Go to "File" > "Preferences" in the Arduino IDE.

In the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" field, paste the following URL for ESP8266 boards:

For ESP32 boards, you can use this URL:

Click "OK" to save the preferences.

Step 3: Install ESP Board Support

With the URL added, now you need to install the ESP board support using the Arduino Board Manager:

Navigate to "Tools" > "Board" > "Boards Manager."

In the Boards Manager, search for "esp8266" or "esp32," depending on the board you're using.

Click on the corresponding result and click the "Install" button. This will download and install the necessary board packages.

Step 4: Select Your ESP Board

Once the installation is complete, you can select your ESP board from the list of supported boards. Go to "Tools" > "Board" and choose your specific ESP board model.

Step 5: Choose the Correct Port

Ensure that the correct port is selected for your ESP board. Go to "Tools" > "Port" and select the appropriate COM port (for Windows) or /dev/tty (for Linux/macOS).

In Arduino IDE v2.0

Click on Board manager present in the sidebar,

Search and install the ESP32 or ESP82766 board:

Step 6: Upload a Test Sketch

To verify that everything is set up correctly, let's upload a simple test sketch to your ESP board:

Go to "File" > "Examples" > "ESP8266" (or "ESP32," depending on your board) and select a basic example, such as "Blink."

Click the upload button (the right-facing arrow) to compile and upload the sketch to your ESP board.

Step 7: Monitor the Serial Output (Optional)

If your sketch includes Serial output, you can monitor it by going to "Tools" > "Serial Monitor" in the Arduino IDE.

Congratulations! You've successfully installed ESP board support in the Arduino IDE and uploaded a test sketch to your ESP board. You're now ready to start developing your own projects with these powerful WiFi and Bluetooth-enabled microcontrollers.